Jul 24, 2006

Learn about Network Simulation and Testing with Polly Huang

Polly Huang is the Assistant Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University. She was one of the development team of NS-2.

You can learn more about Network Simulation and Testing from Polly from this course site. (Link)

Network Simulation and Testing conducted by Polly is an advanced computer network course for graduate or senior-year students who are interested in pursuing research in networking. Together with Network Protocols: Design and Analysis, the two courses aim to

1) review the network research from an insider's point of view and
2) introduce in classroom the so-called research methodology. As opposed to Network Protocols focusing on knowing the problem nature and potential solutions, Network Simulation and Testing emphasizes the evaluation, experimental methods.

The goal of this course is two-fold:

1) to introduce models, techniques, and tools frequently used in network research and 2) to provide training in experimental design and technical presentation.

There are also mp3 recording of the lectures. (Link)

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